Saturday, July 22, 2006

Lesson Learned

I just spent a wonderful time deleting comments from each of my postings. Not because I don't want to read what you have to say, its because of all the junk postings that got dumped here. Ha, I actually thought that word had got out that I had a great blog and everyone and their brother was visiting and posting comments.

That dream lasted how long?? As long as it takes to see that each posting had the exact same comments from annonymous . I realized that I really wasn't the Wonder Blogger that my email box lead me to believe.

So, I learned what verification was all about and what a good thing it really is. Cause deleting each and every unwanted comment, one at a time, was NOT a really good thing, just a necessary thing.

So, feel free to post a comment but just be warned that you will have to do that annoying little verification thing (ya know when ya gotta stand on your head and squint just one eye trying to figure out what those warped letters are suppose to be). Sorry for the extra step or two but it really ain't fun to get those other types of comments.

If you really DO want those other comments then I suggest you start your own blog and jes let it all hang out - believe me - they'll find you !


Carol said...

Thanks for the warning! I now have the verifiction function turned on. By the way - you have a great blog!

Leora Sanford said...

totally NOT fun..sorry you had to do that!

nice blog! :) Have a great eve.