Monday, June 09, 2008

I am still around

I am sorry if you have been looking for me. I haven't posted but that doesn't mean that I haven't been reading God's word. I have just been involved with a program called First Place. It is designed to help us keep our focus on God and His being 'First Place' in our lives. It is a weightloos/fitness/nutrition/Bible Study/Prayer based program. I joined a group of other women traveling this road. It requires 7 days/week of quiet time (involving Bible Study, prayer, Scripture reading and memory work), at least 5 days a week of physical activity, and I must record EVERYTHING that I eat. It has been a great time of fellowship/support/encouragement from the other ladies in the group. I have learned A LOT. And I have changed the way I look at food. I was totally oblivious to the fats in my usual diet. I am really trying to change the way I cook and choose my foods. I was not excited about starting this program, especially when I learned of the food record I would have to keep (and turn in each week) the weekly weigh-ins, and the nutritional allotments I would have to work around. But I also knew that God was calling me, no make that 'demanding' me to sign up. I started the program, kicking and screaming in rebellion, but within the first week God had changed my heart. I actually look forward to those weigh-ins and the weekly meetings. Most of us arrive early, and we spend quite a bit of time laughing as we share experiences and lessons learned. It was set up to be a 10 week program but as that time period is drawing to an end many of us are already planning on how we will continue with it. I am down 20lbs so far with more to go. I had the joy of packing up my size 16 clothing for donation and look forward to doing the same for my size 14s before the end of the summer. I have been blessed with accountablity and encouragement from my spiritual sisters and my husband who is also working on losing weight. God has blessed me beyond measure and I look forward to seeing what He has planned for me. Obedience may not be fun at first glance but it brings the truest joy.

1 comment:

Judy Wise said...

wow, the plaster mural you made for your church is beautiful! Thank you for the heads up; not many of us plaster artists around YET. xo