Friday, March 07, 2008


I have not posted for a while, as you can see. I have not stuck to it. And I can feel it. I have lost that sweetness, joy, and close tie (not with this blog but with my close walk with the Lord. Why do I do it, allow myself to seek my own pleasures when I know that the real joy is in obedience. Those fleeting pleasures are paid for in many ways. My body and spirit carry the consequences and it isn't worth it.

Today I read Philemon, a short book written by Paul while imprisoned for preaching the Gospel. He tells Philemon that Onesimus is returning to them. Apparently, Onesimus was a slave that ran away from them and may have even stolen from them. They are to not only allow Onesimus to return gut they are to welcome him back as they would welcome Paul himself, not as a slave, but as a brother, a fellow believer. Any wrongs that he may have done are to be charged to Paul. Once a run away slave, perhaps a thief, now referred to as "beloved brother", not because of what Onesimus did, but because of Paul's request. I too, can look forward as being accepted and forgiven. I am even "beloved of God" because I have an advocate, one who has accepted me and has taken on the cost of my sins. I can return to the welcoming arms and sweet joy of Him who loves me. and so I return........

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