Friday, January 25, 2008

Fan into Flame

"For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God which is in you..." 2Timothy 1:6 NIV

This verse speaks of reviving, fueling, your faith, and dedication. The Holy Spirit comes to live within us when we become children of God. But do we live like it? Do we feel it? Do we set aside ourselves and let Him fill us?

When you fan a flame you are gently supplying oxygen to fuel the fire. Too much force and you will rob the fire of whatever oxygen it has thus putting it out. I have been given Gifts, spiritual gifts, that I am to use. What have I been doing to fan into flame those gifts. What have I done nourish and build up the flame? He has given me tools to use but if I use them the wrong way am I fanning into flame or putting the fire out. Lately I have been using the tools but the flame has not been growing.I have been spending way too much time for so little accomplishment, too little directed the right way. I want to change that, right now, with this posting. I pray that I will use the tools, that He has provided, to help the gifts that He has blessed me with, and purposed me with. He has made me for a purpose. He has equipped me. Now I need to kick it in gear and get back to where I belong - using these tools to better use the gifts He has armed me with.

My computer, yes it is a tool along with all of my art supplies. I need to spend more time using it, as a tool, to fan into flame my gift of creative communication. I need to be doing more artwork which focuses on and gives glory to God. I need to share what the Word teaches me, even if no one reads this blog. I need to start that faith book that He has put on my heart. I need to start planning lessons for the children's program. I need to start writing the skits that He keeps putting in my head/heart. He has equipped me with the tools and the gifts. It is up to me to Fan Into Flame The Gift of God so that others may know, really know, Him.

May I never forget that the only way to use the tools/gifts for His glory is to be tuned in to Him for His guidance. In 1Timothy 1:1 I read where Paul was writing to Timothy and stated that he, Paul, was a "missionary of Jesus Christ, sent out by the direct command of God our Savior and by Jesus Christ our Lord". Wow, I thought, to have such clear direction from God is awesome. But that is available for me as well. Its just that I have muddied up the communication by not trying to listen to Him. How much time have I spent with Him in private, quiet time? How much time have I spent reading His love notes, the Scriptures? How much time have I spent in prayer without a list of prayer requests but rather with a heart waiting and wanting to hear Him? He has been the faithful one, waiting for me to get my head straight. Lord, thank you for not giving up on me, for loving me more than I deserve. I want to be "sent out by the direct command of God" that clear direction, knowing your purpose for my life and following it fully.

Right here, right now. Look out world, things are gonna heat up !

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