Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The important exercise

"Spend your time and energy in the exercise of keeping spiritually fit. Bodil exercise is all right, but spiriual exercise is much more important and is a tonic for all you do. So exercise yourself spiritually and pracitice being a better Christian, becaues that will help you not only now in this life, but in the next life too." 1Timothy 4:7b-8 My dad has been a big exercise advocate and inspiration. He started running at 50 and is still doing so 25 years later. I know I am a disappointment to him in that area. I don't like running, never have, even tried it for a few months once. But that is also an excuse. I have been dancing some lately, for a bit of exercise, but mostly it is because it is fun and I can bring smiles to others with it. I tap dance with a group of senior ladies. We dance at nursing homes and the like. But it really hasn't been much of a workout. Oh sometimes it is. I certainly work up a sweat when we have dance outs since we practice the whole show first at our studio and then go to the location. But the classes and practices don't usually use up too much energy. The rest of my time I seem to spend sitting. I am trying to get back to my paintings but that has been slow. So I have not been getting very good grades in the physical exercise department.

How about the spiritual department? As the scriptures say, that is profitable for the here and now PLUS the hereafter. Am I working on my spiritual fitness? I am trying to. This blog is one area that I am working on my spiritual fitness. By recording entries here that stem from my quiet time, I am, in a way, holding myself accountable to do my quiet time Bible reading. And not just reading the scriptures but also typing and hoping/praying that God helps me see what I am to be learning from the reading. I have found that God often speaks to me when I am typing. It may sound odd but the words often flow without pre-thought. Don't get me wrong, I am in NO way identifying with the writers of the scriptures in whom God breathed the words. But I think this is how God can speak to not only me but to others as well. Many times it has been while I am writing a script for a skit or program. It has also happened when writing letters. I am not a good conversationalist but I think God has called me to be open to His leading when I am writing. This may seem to be getting off track, but am I? My writing opens me up to God's leading. I am focusing on what He wants of me. I am tying it to my quiet time and it is getting me to be much more regular with that. So maybe, just maybe this workout that my fingers are getting typing these words is helping with my spiritual fitness. now, if it would only help with my physical fitness too. Maybe if I could set up the laptop with a treadmill.....LOL Okay, so maybe these are just the daily steps that will eventually lead me to where He wants me to be... I can accept that. Of course doing some physical activity won't hurt either.

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