Monday, February 04, 2008

Power, love, and discipline

Okay, no excuses. Can't get away with saying that I'm shy, weak, or whatever. That isn't true. I have been equipped. The Holy Spirit isn't shy, weak, or whatever. "For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline" 2Timothy 1:7 Power, love and discipline - there it is clear as day. I have them in me because of the indwelling Spirit. I can't wimp out with some feeble excuse. He has given me all the power I need for whatever is before me. I have His love to share, that means compassion too. And there's a killer, discipline ! Self control, willpower, call it what you will but it says in the Bible that I have it - when I rely on the Holy Spirit. That is a toughie. Lately I haven't had any will power or self discipline, especially concerning food. But I do have it, He has equipped me with it, I just need to call on Him to take control. My flesh is weak but He has given me the gift of the Spirit to take care of that. So, why don't I? Why don't I let the Spirit take control? I know in my head when I am doing wrong. So why can't I get a grip and do the right thing? Easy answer - who am I letting control my life, my actions? Going back to that song that I blogged about last week, do "I surrender all"? um, no, not really. Its about that daily thing I am suppose to do - deny thy self. Choosing to do that on Sunday, after hearing a wonderful sermon, doesn't do it. It has to be a daily thing. And what better way than to start each day focusing on Him so that I am in tune and open to hear Him. Lord, let this day be one for You. May my life reflect the love, power, and discipline that you have equipped me with. Help me to surrender my all.

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