Friday, February 01, 2008

What's is yet undone?

"I command you before God ....That you fulfill all He has told you to do" 1Timothy 6:13-14
uh oh, that word "command", can't ignore that, can't just hop, skip and jump to the next passage, one that is easier. Nope, there it is in black and white (and a bit of yellow from my highlighter) - do, and finnish, what He has called you to do. Okay, well I didn't go back to the Mission to finnish the relief stenciling that I started yesterday (which, frankly, went very well despite my concerns but because of His control). Let's just say that I whimped out because of the weather. True my back and legs were crying out last night. But I am a fair weather bird when it comes to going down to the Mission. It is 19 miles each way. I am glad that I cleaned up the area yesterday, rehanging pictures, moving furniture back, and put the ladder into a corner behind a partition. I also checked in with staff and found out that there was no problem with my holding onto the supplies until I was done. I am planning on returning. The stenciling is just over half done, now I have the trickier areas around obstacles, but I think the stenciling can be completed in one more day. It looks like I should really make it a priority to do that on Monday.

But my heart still isn't settled. God is telling me that there is more. I have a large project that I started many years ago that I haven't completed. It isn't impacting anyone else, which is the excuse for not working on it. But I did say it was a project I was going to do and I haven't finnished it. It has been on my mind lately too. I guess God has been trying to nudge me for a while but I haven't been listening. urrrgh, this is not something I want to go back to. But I know that there will be joy when done AND I bet there will be joy while completing it. So why do I stall? Because I am me, lazy, wanting to play with other stuff. Kind of a been there done that, it won't be anything new so why go back? Why??? Because He is calling me to go back to it. Because I need to "fulfill all He has told" me to do, "so that no one can find fault" with me.

Okay, so that project needs added to my activities. Geepers, watchout what you ask for. When you start giving God a chance to be heard, for example: quiet time, He listens and talks to you.

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