Friday, February 08, 2008

Soldier, Athlete, Farmer

2Timothy 2:3-7 Use the illustrations of these three: the soldier who takes on the suffering, and persecution yet still fights on for the cause. He also does not let his interests in worldly affairs distract from his focus on his leader. The athlete who must follow the rules or be disqualified. And the farmer who earns a large crop by his hard work. Verse 7 "Think over these three illustrations and may the Lord help you to understand how they apply to you." The verses above this section seem to appeal to me more as Paul is telling Timothy to be strong with Christ's strength and teach others those things. Teach these great truths, pass them on to others. Since I am waiting to see if I am to be teaching Sunday School this seemed to be the Scripture message for today. But then I get to the part of these three illustrations and the words telling me to think on this and ask for how they apply to me. Persecution is not a topic that gives helps me start the day off with a lot of enthusiasm. But what it does bring to mind is a friend who is now facing a reoccurance of cancer. She has a battle before her. What can I do to help? Well, certainly, prayer. And not the lip service type of raising her name to the Lord. But the deep down, all heart, crying out to the Lord for help. I also think of a missionary friend. But what does the Lord have in store for me? Am I ready to be His soldier, ready to face sacrifice and persecution and still press on in His army? The athlete part has me stumped. Following the rules, but I like to step outside the box and try things a new way. That's now bad and I don't think that is what is being addressed here. Following the rules of Christ - love the Lord your God and love others. I do break those rules when I put Me before God and others. I have to think on this some more. The farmer, to me, is definitely a good example of a hard worker - a trait that I am sorely missing. I pray that my mind with continue to ponder these illustrations throughout the day to see what God's is calling me to.

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